Hi bloggers! ◝(⁰▿⁰)◜
This is my inquiry work. For inquiry we learned about animal adaptations like how polar bears need thick warm fur to stay warm in the cold. also the Walt is WALT: Identify animal adaptations and why this occurs. Now you may wonder what is a animal adaptation? animal adoption are a thing that is made in the a
For today we had a very easy tasks.
I liked this task because it was very easy. 🙂
the second thing we had to do was to pick five animals and write one of their adaptations in our writing books then we had to combine these animals and them we had to make it into a imaginary animal like a dog with a cat tail and its claws with butterfly wings.
Mine was a axolotl, shark, lizard, and human and I call it the axhuman for no reason. and if you say that humans are NOT animals you are so wrong to because we are. since sadly we are not doing persuasive writing go search it up on Google. 🙂
here is my work. ( know the art is really trash.)
I liked this task because it was really fun but next time I would like to be better at art before I did this. 🙁
Bye bloggers! ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧